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Protect your back: Finding the Right Newborn Prams
Calling all expectant parents! As you enjoy the anticipation of meeting your baby, you can also prepare yourself for the journey ahead. Parenthood is full of physical tasks.Holding your baby, breastfeeding your baby, settling your baby, picking up and setting down your baby – the list of physical tasks you’ll perform from the get-go is endless. They all can contribute to common parental discomfort such as lower back pain, hip pain and shoulder pain. In this blog, we look at tips to help you choose a pram or stroller that meets your needs too.
Protect your back: How to carry your kids safely
From the moment they’re born, you carry your child as you best know how. Friends, family and medical professionals encourage you to hold your baby in a huge variety of poses. The advice can be conflicting and only consider the needs and comfort of your adorable offspring. But, what is the best way for you, and your exhausted body, to hold a baby?