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How chiropractic care can help with treating your sore hips
Got sore hips? You’re not alone. It’s a common pain point that affects people of all ages and all abilities. After all, your hip is a major weight-bearing joint that is designed to provide stability and strength to your body.In this blog, we will help you understand more about how your hip works, how it’s commonly damaged, and what you can do to help prevent pain or discomfort. Read on to find out more.
Get back on your feet: stretches for knee pain
The thing about knee pain is that it truly can affect you at any time during your life. When you are young, your knee can be sore from sports injury or tightness from prolonged sitting. As you age, knee pain can trouble you because of extended wear and tear on the joint.The good news is that pain in your knee doesn’t need to be something you must put up with. In fact, improving your mobility with regular stretching and exercise really helps reduce your risk of discomfort. Watch Dr. Greg Sher demonstrate a sequence of stretches to help you reduce your discomfort.
How to reduce joint pain in winter
That brisk winter chill in the air is back. With it can come the onset of seasonal joint pain. Achy knees, ankles and shoulders being the most common.Although pain in these joints can be a sign of an injury or underlying condition, it can also be the result of the cooler climate. If these aches and pains aren't something that you usually experience and would like to find out how to reduce your discomfort, read on.