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Stay hydrated: prime your body and mind to perform at its peak
Did you know that the human body is 60% water? Yes, that’s the level of fluid required for your cells, organs, and tissues to function properly. As when you stay hydrated, your body is equipped to function effectively.
Do you lack energy in the afternoon?
Whether you spend your day at work in an office, in a store or in your car visiting locations across town -- one of the most typical parts of an average workday is the afternoon slumps. You can almost set your clock by it. At around 3pm, you can lack energy, concentration, and the verve to smash those last few goals in your day. But there are ways to beat it.
Survive the Silly Season: Tips to keep your health and exercise on track
Before the temptations of the Silly Season take you off-track, here’s our three top tips to help you manage your holiday health and wellbeing.
Stress Management-Sydney Spine & Sports Clinic
Stress related illnesses are becoming ever more frequent; it can be linked to heart disease, strokes, high blood pressure, and a suppressed immune system which can make you more susceptible to common illnesses. Here are 7 ways to reduce stress.