Beat the heat: 3 tips to keep healthy and active this summer

healthy food

Summer is a great season to keep active. With longer days, sunny weather and outdoor activities a-plenty, Sydney has got it going on! You can squeeze in an early morning run before work, head out for a swim at lunch, or ride your bike in the afternoon light. However you choose to exercise this season, be sure to check the weather before heading outside so you can keep yourself well and safe.Whether an oppressive heatwave is approaching or you’re heading out for a regular workout – the soaring mercury presents plenty of possible ailments that can slow down your fun in the sun. Sunburn, dehydration and heat exhaustion are all up for grabs.At Sydney Spine and Sports Centre, we are passionate about supporting you and your body to keep mobile and pain-free. Remember to take care of yourself in the hotter conditions and follow these three simple tips:

  1. KEEP UP THE H20

When it’s hot, you can lose water from your body far quicker than you might realise. This means it’s important for you to keep on top of your water intake – 2.1 litres per day for women and 2.6 litres per day for men. Remember to sip water often, carry a water bottle with you, and try to avoid beverages that contribute to dehydration like tea and coffee.If you start to feel dizzy, have a dry mouth, headache, or very yellow wee you might be dehydrated. Keep your fluids up. An electrolyte-rich drink (such as Hydrolyte or powdered magnesium) can help you rehydrate quickly.


Exercising outdoors in summer can be amazingly refreshing and exhilarating. It’s also when the sun can be fierce so it’s important you check the weather for the latest forecast and information before heading out. The Bureau of Meterology or Sunsmart websites are good.If the UV rating is 3 (moderate) or higher, be sunsmart. That’s right - wear a hat, sunglasses, covered clothing, and apply sunscreen twenty minutes before you head outdoors. Keep in the shade as much as possible. Sunburn is not only lobster-red and painful, but it can also make you feel tired, a bit dizzy, and can contribute to possible skin damage or cancer. Slip, slop, slap!


Managing your temperature plays a huge part in helping your body through the warmer weather. If it’s too hot to exercise in the sun, choose a shady spot or stay indoors. A weights session, pilates or aerobic class in the comfort of an air- conditioned gym is a comfortable solution. Or, don your swimmers and dive in the pool or ocean for some laps. Just don’t forget your rashie and sunscreen!Whatever activity you choose to keep active this summer, please take care and remember to look after yourself. Should you niggle an injury or feel in any pain, our team is here to help you get back on your feet all summer long.

Learn more

At Sydney Spine and Sports Clinic, we put you first. We believe in offering chiropractic care that enables you to make informed and educated choices about your health. If you are suffering pain or injury and would like to talk to us about how we can help you get mobile and active again – get in touch right here.


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