You ask we answer: Should I only attend a chiropractic appointment when I have pain?

man sore wrist

No! The truth is that being pain-free does not necessarily mean that there isn’t a problem lurking somewhere in your spine, muscles or skeleton. In fact, 50% of adults have suffered some degree of a disc bulge without pain. While that alone is not a justification to attend a chiropractic appointment, we do want to clear up when you should come for a check-up. 

A healthy body

 These days, it makes sense to be proactive with your health. Early diagnosis of many issues can help significantly; it’s quicker and simpler to manage them before chronic issues set in. Just as you should attend your dentist and doctor for routine check-ups of your teeth and body, visiting a chiropractor regularly can be considered an essential part of keeping fit and healthy. After all, your spine supports the weight of your head and houses your spinal cord -- which is considered to underpin the health of your whole body! Your muscles and skeleton work together in balance and harmony to keep you upright, keep you moving and help you perform at your peak. Many repetitive strains and overuse injuries can be traced back to a slow initial development of symptoms. In hindsight, these minor signals were ignored or overlooked. By the time we consult, a patient can be in severe pain or discomfort. When this occurs, a longer course to recovery has been set. The earlier you present with symptoms, the quicker your return to full function. 

Get ahead of pain with regular care

 A chiropractor is highly qualified to assess your spine and extremity joints to locate areas of inherent stiffness and imbalance of muscular function. One of our main goals is to restore symmetrical function to your joints, and allow muscles to work through their full range, while also allowing them refraction (time to rest and relax). Doing so enables your body to do what it was designed to do: heal itself. Giving you optimum functionality, increased performance, less pain, better sleep and of course, a healthier spine. When pain does present, the more common complaints we treat include:

  • Sciatica (often referred to as “pinched nerves”)

  • Disc herniation (often referred to as “slipped discs”)

  • Headaches

  • Back and joint pain

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Injuries to various extremity joints

 Although popping a painkiller can provide some immediate relief, it does not solve the underlying problem. It just dulls the pain signal. If the cause of your pain isn’t treated, it will most likely return again and again until the root of the problem is treated. Get in touch with us here if you'd like to book your next chiropractic appointment. 

Learn More

 At Sydney Spine and Sports Clinic, we put you first. We believe in offering chiropractic care that enables you to make informed and educated choices about your health. If you are suffering pain and would like to talk to us about how we can help you get mobile and active again – get in touch right here.


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