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Stay hydrated: prime your body and mind to perform at its peak
Did you know that the human body is 60% water? Yes, that’s the level of fluid required for your cells, organs, and tissues to function properly. As when you stay hydrated, your body is equipped to function effectively.
Do you lack energy in the afternoon?
Whether you spend your day at work in an office, in a store or in your car visiting locations across town -- one of the most typical parts of an average workday is the afternoon slumps. You can almost set your clock by it. At around 3pm, you can lack energy, concentration, and the verve to smash those last few goals in your day. But there are ways to beat it.
How flexibility exercises could be the missing link in your workout regime
Maximising your flexibility means you are likely to have less injuries, less pain, improved posture and balance, increased strength, and better physical performance.
How can you reduce stress? Exercise boosts your mood and boots the gloom
Stress is a part of life. It’s an absolutely natural reaction when you feel under pressure to do something. And, a healthy level of stress in your life is fine. But, when the level of demand exceeds your ability to cope with it, it can affect you physically, mentally and emotionally.Here, we explain how stress can impact your health, and what you can do to tackle it.
How often should I attend a chiropractic appointment?
In short: it depends!At Sydney Spine and Sports Clinic, we are passionate about educating you to make informed choices about your health. As such, we want to impart as much knowledge about how you can confidently manage your own health and wellbeing. We believe that routine chiropractic adjustments are part of achieving that. Let us explain.
You ask we answer: Should I only attend a chiropractic appointment when I have pain?
No! The truth is that being pain-free does not necessarily mean that there isn’t a problem lurking somewhere in your spine, muscles or skeleton.In fact, 50% of adults have suffered some degree of a disc bulge without pain. While that alone is not a justification to attend a chiropractic appointment, we do want to clear up when you should come for a check-up.