Our Blog
10 tips to protect your spine when gardening
Gardening can benefit your overall health. Read our ten tips to protect your spine and avoid back pain when you’re tending to your back yard.
Schedule morning stretches into your day to ease back and shoulder pain
Are you sitting down for this? Research continues to show that sitting for more than four hours a day can contribute to back pain, neck pain, muscle degeneration, and osteoporosis. Plus heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
Ergonomics for road trippers
A journey on the long open road is more than just packing a suitcase. In reality, sitting behind the wheel (or in the passenger seat) in a fixed position for hours can contribute to everyday wear and tear on your body. Read our top tips to reduce your risk of lower back pain, shoulder stiffness, or leg cramps on your next long drive.
Work Wellness: 5 stretches to reduce work from home aches and pains
Working from home is (temporarily) the new norm’. Good desk habits can help reduce your risk of headaches and stiffness. Here’s our five tips.
Shoulder the Load: 3 quick tips for choosing and wearing your backpack
Whether off to the gym, uni or school - a backpack is the classic go-to. Read our 3 simple tips to protect your spine and body from potential pain or injury.
5 Things My Kids Taught Me About Self Care – The Hard Way
I’ve learnt five clear lessons from my kids that I wanted to share. I hope it will help you, fellow parent, find a strategy or path to help you look after yourself too. After all, we are the best parents we can be for our children when we look after ourselves too – as hard as that can be!