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Sport, Posture Greg Sher Sport, Posture Greg Sher

Core stability: is it your body’s real achilles heel?

Whether you’re “working out your core”, or your trainer reminds you to “engage your core!” – the word ‘core’ is a familiar term in the gym. Your core is a complex series of muscles that comprise your trunk – abdominals, obliques, diaphragm, and your pelvic floor to name a few. It’s essential in providing balance and stability to everything you do – even breathing! Yet, the core can be the achilles heel of your physical fitness. Our Alexandria Chiropractor, Dr Guy Finch explains.

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Sport Greg Sher Sport Greg Sher

Four tips to dodge netball injuries

Netball is a fast-paced, high-intensity, non-contact game that involves quick upper and lower body movements. Kids play it, teens play it, and adults play it. In fact, netball is one of the most popular team sports in Australia. What’s also common about it? Netball injuries. Here’s four tips from our chiropractors to help you prevent them.

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Sport Greg Sher Sport Greg Sher

What to do when you’re injured

Treat injuries and recover properly with advice from our Sydney chiropractors. Overcome pain and discomfort as you manage everyday niggles. Rebuild your strength and load capacity steadily as you work out or play sport.

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Sport Greg Sher Sport Greg Sher

Stay safe on the slopes

Staying safe is one of the most important things you can do to ensure you enjoy your snow holiday. Knee, ankle, shoulder and wrist or hand injuries can be common souvenirs from your time on the slopes. Whilst generally these are minor, it’s possible you could hurt yourself more seriously if you are unfit, a beginner or intermediate participant. So, let’s look at how you can minimise this risk and maximise your winter wonderland fun.

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