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Repetitive Strain Injuries: How to catch the early signs of RSI
Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) occur from everyday tasks like typing, gaming or scrolling. Act early. Here we recap the early signs of RSI and why seeking treatment when pain from muscle overuse hits is important for your ongoing health and wellbeing.
Schedule morning stretches into your day to ease back and shoulder pain
Are you sitting down for this? Research continues to show that sitting for more than four hours a day can contribute to back pain, neck pain, muscle degeneration, and osteoporosis. Plus heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
Workplace Wellness | How to reduce your risk of injury at work
Whether you work at an office, onsite or at home – you spend about a quarter of your time on the job. As such, your workplace could be where you accidentally niggle an injury. Not the sports field. Not the gym. Work. Here’s how.
Neck pain relief: Strategies to ease tech neck
Digital devices have been incredibly powerful in keeping our communities connected and (increasingly) operational this year. Whether you’re texting a friend to say hello, assisting your kids with an iPad school activity, or attending virtual meetings from your home office – screens can dominate your life. There’s just no escaping it these days.The thing is, increased time on electronic devices like laptops and tablets puts a huge strain on your neck. Commonly referred to as ‘tech neck’ – this everyday slouch or hunch contributes to neck pain. Simply speaking, your body was not designed to act like this. In fact, the younger you are when you start using a device with poor posture, the harder it can be to manage and retrain your body. Here’s how you can counter your screen scroll and improve your upper body posture.
Work Wellness: 5 stretches to reduce work from home aches and pains
Working from home is (temporarily) the new norm’. Good desk habits can help reduce your risk of headaches and stiffness. Here’s our five tips.
Surviving Self-Isolation: 3 Tips for Finding a New Normal (For Now)
Today, life is not as we’ve known it. The uncertainty of the COVID-19 outbreak across Australia and the world can make you feel overwhelmed, scared and fearful. What we know for certain is that social distancing (and good hygiene!) will help stop the spread of the virus. Therefore, its essential that we take this time to stay home wherever possible and stay on top of our health. Gabi spent 14 days in self-isolation - here's her tips to help you tackle the new normal we all find ourselves in.