What is the Best Sleeping Position?

The complete sleeprrr pillow

Almost every day I see patients that are coming to me for help with neck pain. Many of them tell me that they have no idea why the neck pain started, but when I question them about their sleep hygiene and posture, all sorts of reasons start to become apparent.

Sleeping posture…why is it so important?

Our spine is designed to be maintained in a neutral position. Any sustained position outside of neutral places unnecessary stress on the joints and surrounding musculature, which can lead to pain and dysfunction.

Does your spine stay in neutral whilst you are asleep?

Whether you are a back or side sleeper, with the right pillows you are able to maintain a neutral spine whilst sleeping. Unfortunately, for those of you out there that sleep on your tummy with your head twisted to one side, this is definitely not the case!

How can you check if your head and neck are in neutral?

A quick and easy way is to get someone else to have a look at you. Lie down as if you were sleeping and ask your friend or partner to see if your head is at 90 degrees to the pillow (this is true of both back and side sleepers). If the answer is yes, your pillow is probably ok for you, however if the answer is clearly no, then you may be putting your spine at risk every night when you go to bed.

What can I do about it?

With the correct pillow and mattress support it is possible to retrain your sleeping posture. Here at Sydney Spine we recommend the use of the Complete Sleeprrr pillow. Click here to buy it. It is specifically designed to match the contours of your neck and shoulders, allowing full support whether you are a side or a back sleeper. It is important to make sure you get the height right, and that is why we recommend a height adjustable pillow. Being able to adjust to the perfect height for your neck will allow you to find your best position to sleep in. We can assist you in achieving the best possible fit for your comfort and good spinal health. If you feel you need some advice on neck pain call Greg and the team and see what can be done to help.

  • It is generally accepted that sleeping on your back with your head at 90 degrees is the healthiest sleeping position as it uses gravity to keep your body in alignment over your spine.

  • The correct way to sleep is to have your body aligned straight. Try to avoid twisting at the hips and focus more on moving your entire body as one. Maintaining alignment is the most important part to sleeping correctly.

  • It has been said that sleeping on your left side may be beneficial to your health as it could improve blood flow to your heart, but sleeping on either side is fine as long as you have unrestricted blood flow.


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