How To Stretch: Lower Back and Pelvis Exercises You Can Do At Home

It’s time to stretch your lower back and pelvis! Watch Dr. Greg Sher demonstrate how to do these exercises correctly. 

What do these exercises achieve?

These exercises help to relieve pain in the muscles of the lower back and pelvis, and possibly even leg pain that originates from the lower back and pelvis area. Do it at the gym, at your desk, even in bed – just do them!

The big tip:

As with any exercise or stretch program, consistency is key. If stretching is the only way you can keep mobile during your work day, integrate it into your existing routine, and do it often!

  • Pain coming from your lower back and pelvis typically originates from a slipped disc or hip problems. If the pain continues to persist, please contact your doctor or visit your local chiropractor for professional care.

  • Yes, lower back pain can be felt in the pelvis through a joint known as the SI (sacroiliac) joint. This joint connects from the very back of your pelvis on each side to the bottom of your spine.

  • Stretches may be a very good help to curing pain in your lower back and pelvis. The pelvic tilt is a recommended exercise to relieve pelvic and lower back pain. Other exercises include the knee-to-chest, trunk rotation, cat-row stretch, seat forward bend, flexion rotation, supported bridge, and belly flops.

  • If you are experiencing severe and steady pain, pain that comes and goes (intermittent), dull aching, sharp pains or cramping, pressure or heaviness deep within your pelvis, visit a medical care center immediately to get checked out. Leaving pelvic pain unchecked may lead to serious issues down the line.


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