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Repetitive Strain Injuries: How to catch the early signs of RSI
Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) occur from everyday tasks like typing, gaming or scrolling. Act early. Here we recap the early signs of RSI and why seeking treatment when pain from muscle overuse hits is important for your ongoing health and wellbeing.
Schedule morning stretches into your day to ease back and shoulder pain
Are you sitting down for this? Research continues to show that sitting for more than four hours a day can contribute to back pain, neck pain, muscle degeneration, and osteoporosis. Plus heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
Shoulder Pain Treatment Sydney | Stretches and Exercises You Can Do to Soothe Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain can be caused by falls, accidents, joint overuse, arthritis or referral pain. Overuse can be caused by sports like swimming, tennis, baseball or volleyball; or chores like brushing your hair, reaching for a high shelf, vacuuming or bed-making. Referral pain from neck and mid-back issues can create discomfort in your shoulder too. In a nutshell, rotator cuff injuries are common and can really impact your comfort as you complete your everyday activities. Here’s how you can find some temporary relief.
Ergonomics for road trippers
A journey on the long open road is more than just packing a suitcase. In reality, sitting behind the wheel (or in the passenger seat) in a fixed position for hours can contribute to everyday wear and tear on your body. Read our top tips to reduce your risk of lower back pain, shoulder stiffness, or leg cramps on your next long drive.
Tennis | Tips to sidestep injury on court this summer
Tennis -- a low-impact, individual sport -- is a smash across all ages and abilities throughout Australia. Whether you compete at a club or join a friend for an afternoon game at your local park or sports centre, it is one of the country’s top ten activities. Plus, when a Grand Slam is broadcast on TV, Aussies love to hit the courts too. So, if you’re inspired to play tennis this summer, here’s our advice on how to reduce your risk of injury as you play.
How to reduce joint pain in winter
That brisk winter chill in the air is back. With it can come the onset of seasonal joint pain. Achy knees, ankles and shoulders being the most common.Although pain in these joints can be a sign of an injury or underlying condition, it can also be the result of the cooler climate. If these aches and pains aren't something that you usually experience and would like to find out how to reduce your discomfort, read on.